Traveler’s Diarrhea
Intestinal distress can occur during travel near and far! Is there anything to help?
From Contention to Common Practice: The History of Hand-washing
We take simple hand-washing for granted. But you may be shocked to learn how NEW of a habit it is!
Anxiety and the Gut
“Gut feeling”, “stomach in knots”… the connection between gut and brain are felt, but not yet completely understood. Here’s what we know so far.
Prominent Probiotic Species, Part 1
In part 1, we’ll examine some of the most common probiotic bacteria that are commercially available.
Power and Potential: Human Milk Oligosaccharides
Human milk is sometimes referred to as “liquid gold”. Here’s a look at just one of the components of this life-sustaining fluid!
Overview: Mental Health and the Microbiome
Our mental health is connected to our gut microbiome… here are some of the ways.
Dogs: Microbiome’s best friend
Can growing up with a pet have benefits beyond cuteness and cuddles?
What is “gut health”?
Better understanding of gut health can help you wade through the false-promises and gimmicks.
I heard wine is good for me…?
Have you wondered why some headlines claim that wine is healthy?
Fun Facts about Sarah, Your Microbiome Advocate
Not the normal set of fun facts that someone usually shares…
Seasonal allergies and the microbiome
Your microbiome plays a role in those pesky allergy symptoms.
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