Hi, holobiont!

Yes, you!

You are a microbiome.

You have many microbiomes.

These microbiomes, in combination with you as a person, act as a whole. Aka, a holobiont!

These communities of human and bacteria (& more) cells and genes are found in your gut, on your hand, in your mouth, and pretty much everywhere! Bacteria has been part of our life for basically ever, but we are just recently learning about it and how we can make the most of the relationship! Your Microbiome Advocate wades through real scientific research to present you with accessible info so that you can feel empowered to care for your body, bacteria, and world!



an environment and all of its microscopic living components

the combined genetic material of the microorganisms in a particular environment

you are a microbiome. you also have a gut microbiome, a skin microbiome, etc.


one with many living parts

you, your body, your microbes, and all of the genetic material included, that generally appear and act as ONE being

holo- whole / biont- life

gut health

the interactions between your organs, nerves, nutrients, bacteria, and more that encompass digestion and overall health

a crucial contributor to and indicator of wellness, mental health, metabolism, hormone regulation, disease, allergies, and more